BCG Henderson Institute

Brigitta Pristyak

Global Project Manager


  • Operations
  • Marketing


  • University of Nyiregyhaza


Brigitta Pristyak

Global Project Manager

Brigi is a Global Project Manager based in BCG’s London office, leading various projects in operations and marketing. She plays a pivotal role in the BHI team, managing book projects from launch to distribution, ensuring a seamless flow from inception to the hands of readers.

Prior to BCG, Brigi advanced through roles of increasing responsibility, from an Office Manager in Hungary to an Executive Assistant at Intercept Pharmaceuticals, and then to a Senior Executive Assistant at BCG before joining the BHI team in 2020. Outside of work, she is an avid traveler passionate about exploring new cultures and destinations. She has a keen interest in movies and photography, alongside a love for engaging in various crafts.