BCG Henderson Institute

Ulrich Pidun

Alum Fellow (2019-2022), Business Ecosystems


  • PhD, summa cum laude, theoretical chemistry, Philipps University of Marburg
  • MBA, with highest distinction, INSEAD
  • MSc, chemistry and mathematics, Philipps University of Marburg and Imperial College London

BHI Affiliation

Ulrich Pidun

Alum Fellow (2019-2022), Business Ecosystems

Ulrich Pidun is a Partner and Director, Corporate Strategy based in BCG’s Frankfurt office. Ulrich was named a BHI Fellow in 2018, and has focused his research on Business Ecosystems.

His research explores business ecosystems by looking at ecosystem design, governance, and strategies. And his work answers commonly asked questions such as: Do You Need a Business Ecosystem?How Do You “Design” a Business Ecosystem?Why Do Most Business Ecosystems Fail?How Do You Manage a Business Ecosystem?.

Ulrich is also a Professor of Corporate Strategy at Technical University of Berlin, Germany, book author, and a frequent speaker on business ecosystems, speaking at places such as Strategic Management Society, Academy of Management and Innov8rs Connect, in addition to C-suite events of Fortune 500 clients. His work has been published in leading publications including MIT Sloan Management ReviewLong Range Planning, Strategic Organization, and Academy of Management Perspectives.

Outside of work, Ulrich enjoys riding his mountain bike and playing the clarinet.

Books co-authored by Ulrich Pidun

Inspiring the Next Game series

Strategy is by definition a changing art: strategy is about generating competitive advantage, but what it takes to create advantage is always evolving. This series takes a broad view of strategy, reflecting the multifaceted imperatives that leaders face.

Corporate Strategy Theory and Practice

The book covers the fundamental questions of daily strategy work and illustrates them with examples from real companies. 

Recent Work

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MIT Sloan Management Review | March 10, 2025

How to Strategize in an Out-of-Control World

In 2025, political surprises are adding fuel to the fires of business uncertainty, complexity, and volatility. Here’s how leaders can navigate this special type of risk.

Developing Leaders Quarterly | June 21, 2023

Winning the Ecosystem Game

Orchestrating companies collaboratively lead other companies in digital ecosystems but what does it take to lead orchestrating or participating companies? From our research on the factors which drive the strategic and operational success and failure of ecosystems, we propose the traits, mindsets, and behaviors required of ecosystem leaders. | March 29, 2023

In Uncertain Times, Double Down on Business Ecosystems

Resist the temptation to scale back investment­­­­––instead, use the benefits of digital platforms to help your company through challenging periods.

BCG Henderson Institute | January 9, 2023

Ecosystem Strategies: A Systematic Literature Review

Identifying the guidance from (and gaps in) academic research on business ecosystem strategies for practitioners.

BCG Henderson Institute | May 31, 2022

Are You Ready to Become an Ecosystem Player?

Shift your mindset and operating model. It’s better to grow the pie together as an ecosystem than to fight alone for a larger piece.

BCG.COM | March 11, 2022

What Is Your Business Ecosystem Strategy?

Drawing on the insights gleaned from three years of ecosystem research, we offer a step-by-step framework for developing an incumbent company’s ecosystem strategy.