BCG Henderson Institute

Deep Purpose with Ranjay Gulati

Organizational scholar and professor at Harvard Business School, Ranjay Gulati shares insight into his latest book, introducing the concept of “deep purpose” in achieving company-wide commercial value and social good.

Ranjay Gulati is an organizational scholar and professor of business at Harvard Business School.

His latest book, Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies shares the stories of companies that pursue what he calls a “deep purpose”. Ranjay studied the actions, cultures, and leadership companies pursuing purpose — where they succeed and where they fall short, to help other leaders in “walking the razor’s edge” to achieve both commercial value and social good through purpose.

Ranjay calls for a reform of business, built around the idea that companies can and should use purpose not only to achieve social good but to help achieve greater commercial performance through clarity of direction and inspiration and engagement of employees.

In a conversation with Martin Reeves, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute, Ranjay discusses insights from the new book.

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