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Lessons from Unilever with Amanda Sourry

"It is not about sustainability or business results. It's both, always, at the same time. Sustainability has to be integrated at the heart of the business model."

In the new episode of the Building Competitive Advantage in a Sustainable World podcast, David Young — BCG Henderson Institute Fellow researching Sustainable Business Model Innovation — interviews Amanda Sourry — former President of Unilever North America.

Together, they discuss her experience of Unilever’s journey to create and implement its “Sustainable Living Plan” and reflect on practical insights on what it took to get there. Companies embarking on their sustainability transformation should define big goals, map and baseline the footprints of their products and services across the value chain to identify where they can have the most impact, form new partnerships, and surround themselves with a set of “critical friends” to help them on the journey.

Part I:

Part II:

Interviewed by
  • David Young

    Global Leader, Center for Climate & Sustainability

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