BCG Henderson Institute

We all understand the importance of strategy. And we also pay close attention to the structure and size of our organizations. But there’s something more important, but less visible, that often gets short shrift: our organization’s operating model.

Yet, ineffective or unsuitable operating models, we have found over the years, are among the main reasons that some organizations, even those with the most-inspired and brilliantly conceived strategies, frequently fall short in the all-important “results” category.

Realizing that, it’s somewhat of a mystery why so many senior executives seem flummoxed when we ask them to discuss their operating model. On one level, it may be understandable: because an organization’s operating model has many moving parts. It’s complicated. On another level, it’s concerning, because an organization’s operating model is so critical to its success.

  • Julia Dhar

    Alum Fellow (2022-2024), Science-based Approach to Human-centric Change

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