BCG Henderson Institute

Daniel Susskind is a Fellow in Economics at Balliol College, Oxford, and the author of A World Without Work (2020) and The Future of the Professions (2015). Previously he worked in the British Government as a policy adviser in the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, as a policy analyst in the Policy Unit in 10 Downing Street, and as a senior policy adviser in the Cabinet Office.

In A World Without Work Susskind argues that technology will lead to structural technological unemployment sooner than many economists believe. This will pose a societal distribution challenge as labor markets will be a less effective way of distributing society’s income. The book makes concrete policy proposals to confront inequality and other challenges resulting from technology’s impact. In a conversation with Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, BCG Chief Economist, Susskind discusses the drivers of technological unemployment, monopoly power, universal basic income, the future role of the state, as well as the personal implications for future generations.

Download the transcript of the interview.