BCG Henderson Institute

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2020 has been filled with headlines that revolve around the word ‘crisis’– the coronavirus crisis, the financial crisis, the climate crisis, and many more. The word can be traced back to the Greek word ‘krisis’, meaning ‘turning point in a disease’. It denotes a critical moment, a time to evaluate and make a decision. This is the krisis that businesses should pay attention to — because the best companies are those that decide to innovate in times of crisis.

We believe that the current downturn will accelerate the global shift to subscription business models beyond the technology industry. Below, we outline why businesses must make subscriptions a priority, the tailwinds and headwinds to anticipate, and recommendations for growing your subscription businesses during the current crisis.

Why subscriptions and why now?

The global shift towards subscriptions is being driven by changing customer preferences and expectations, financial markets that reward companies with healthy recurring revenue businesses, and competitive pressures from digital natives as well as market incumbents that are transforming their businesses around innovative subscription models.

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